Monday, June 11, 2012

"Can Love Happen Twice" suffers from over self-indulgence

Ravinder Singh's peppy romantic novel "Can Love Happen Twice", sequel to the hugely successful "I too had a love story", disappointed me because of its vulgar display of solipsism. The writer keeps repeating the success of his first novel throughout this work. He praises himself ad infinitum. Rather than making his new story a strong love-tale, he indulges in the success of the previous novel which, he claims, changed lives of many a people including himself. This time his love story moves to a new location at Belgium where Ravin meets Simar, a fun-loving and fiercely independent Indian girl, who is pursuing her MBA studies there. Ravin has a temporary job in Belgium and it takes no time for him to be close and fall for a belle fille among the small community of Indians there. He had been licking his past wounds and making his heart icy cold after losing Khushi but Simar enters into his life to elevate his moods. Their love life moves ahead swiftly and they even consummate their love. Whereas Ravin's love with Khushi was virginal, this one gets raunchy. So, the title of the novel is a rhetorical question. However, their plans of marriage involve problems due to Simar's high lifestyle and grand ambitions. Ravin is heading towards another heart-break. Will fate repeat its cruel design on him? I won't give away the story. The story is ok, not as emotional as that of the previous novel. You can't expect much from these kinds of bestsellers but this sequel falters in comparison to the original novel. The style too is unconvincing as the story is told in an FM station which airs it all night long. More than that, the writer talks inordinately about his own greatness that rather irritates the reader. Overall, a so so novel.

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