Thursday, April 18, 2013

अंग्रेजी भाषा सिक्न चाहानुहुन्छ ? तेसो भए वरिष्ठ समाजशास्त्री तथा कृषिशास्त्री श्री ईश्वर विक्रम सिंहले लेखेको पूर्व प्रधानमन्त्री डा. बाबुराम भट्टराईको जीवनी पढ्नुहोस् सरल भाषा सुललित शैलीमा लेखिएको यो पुस्तक मैले आजसम्म पढेका पुस्तकमध्येकै सर्वाधिक रमाइलो पुस्तक पढेर यति धेरै पेट मिचीमिची यसरी कहिलेपनि हाँसेको थिइनँ पुस्तकको मूल्य रु. ५००/- पूरा पैसा वसुल किताब खोजीखोजी पढ्नुस् है ! विद्वान् जीवनीलेखकका लेखनका केही नमुना हेरौं है ! मैले किताबबाट जस्ताको तस्तै सारेको छु  

भट्टराईको बाल्यकाल:
Dr. Babu Ram Bhattrai was born on 4th Ashad 2011 B.S. in Khoplang VDC of Belbashe village. Father is Bhoj Prashad and Mother is Dharam Kumari Bhattarai. AS the eldest brother died, they were conscious   for the look after of Babu Ram Bhattarai. Bhattarai families are the farmers. Babu Ram got support and attention from another the respective mother highly.
उच्च शिक्षा:
After SLC., it was customary to study higher education either in Kathamdu or abroad. Due to some unavoidable factor, Dr. Bhattarai had to come to Kathamandu for the study in spit of going abroad. As there was not a provision of transpors, yet air service was there, so he comes to Kathmandu with the airplane. He studies I.Sc. at Amrit College. … Dr. Bhattarai completed his I.Sc. with the ration, sent from he home.
दूरदर्शी प्रधानमन्त्रीका रूपमा: (अपूरा वाक्यहरू याद गर्नुहोला )
As he became the historic Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of the country. He is the 57th Prime Minister of the country. As Prithvi Narayan Shah from the same district became the first king of nation. Likewise he became the Prime Minister with the support of Madhesi Unified Morcha. (यहाँ लजिकल अर्डरमा ध्यान दिनुहोला )  
परिवार तथा व्यक्तिगत जीवन:
Dr. Bhattarai was married to Hishila Yemi who is Architect by profession. Bhattarai and Manashi is an olny daughter which they leave and she is persueing her master degree from the TU.
Bhattarai is a Hindu, Specifically a man from the Gorkha temple (गोर्खाको मन्दिरमा उत्पन्न भाको?) and track devotee with his religion, however, he more believes on the architecture development.
The history of Prime Ministerial System in the country historic however, it is just in the country, mostly are somewhat like of the country with the influence in the country. The idea and culture is very beneficial on harmful that will be reflected in dry as the two neighbouring country are projecting however, the situation of the country is as such.
प्रधानमन्त्री भवन:
Prime Ministerial buildings are of two types; are for the official work for office. Work is being done by the Singh Durbar and Baluwatar is being used of the living. It would be worthy if it could be developed with pet animals within the premises.
भाषामाथिको यत्रो बलात्कार गर्ने आँट भएका ईश्वरलाई मेरो प्रणाम !

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